5 wounded in the attack on the procession of a minister


 English-speaking Cameroon: 5 wounded in the attack on the procession of a minister "src =" http://maliactu.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/2e99576069cc002faf6f3b859c980686b5910114.jpg "title =" English-speaking Cameroon: 5 wounded in the attack on the procession of a minister "/>
<p> Four soldiers and a journalist were injured and several attackers killed in an attack Thursday against the convoy of the Cameroonian Minister of Defense in the English-speaking region of Southwest, said Friday a security source and radio station. State. </p>
<p> "The convoy of Minister Beti Assoma was attacked in the Kumba area", a locality in the Southwest, told AFP a source close to the security services, the state radio talking about assailants "neutralized" and the wounded journalist evoking on his side "four military" wounded. </p>
<p> "It is the return (of a field visit) that the procession was attacked", according to the state radio that said that the convoy had continued on its way and that the attackers had been "neutralized", that is to say killed. </p>
<p> A journalist of the state newspaper Cameroon Tribune, Grégoire Djarmaila, was wounded by debris of vi of the vehicle in which he was, according to his account shared on social networks. </p>
<p> Four soldiers were also wounded, according to him. </p>
<p> The journalist said that a first attack had occurred while the Defense Minister was going to an advanced army post at "7 km from Kumba." </p>
<p> Halfway there, the convoy of about thirty vehicles, including an armored vehicle in which Beti Assomo was and six "was stopped by a barricade erected by English-speaking secessionists," the journalist said. </p>
<p> "At the same time, our vehicles were riddled with bullets from homes abandoned by people who fled the war," he said. he added. He asserted that the members of the delegation responded "in an appropriate manner" and thus allowed the convoy to rejoin the forward military post. </p>
<p> A second attack occurred upon the return of the delegation, according to the journalist. "Just out of the camp, we were attacked. This time, they gave the impression of being more numerous and more determined ", according to him, shooting" on all the vehicles of the convoy ". </p>
<p>" Our luck was that they used hunting weapons "of manufacture artisanal, "he explained, asserting having lived" 40 minutes of hell. "</p>
<p> The minister went to the Southwest to assess the security situation, at the request of President Paul Biya, according to state radio. Friday, he was to visit the Northwest, the second anglophone region. </p>
<p> In these two regions, fighting has become almost daily between military, police and separatists. </p>
<p> More than 80 members of the security forces have lost life since the beginning of the conflict. </p>
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