RTL.be – Sunday, July 29, 2018
The face of Jare, captured by the photographer Mofe Bamuyiwa, made everyone agree. Never had the photographer received as much reaction as on the three pictures of the little girl.
"Yes, she is human", launches Mofe in legend of the photo. "Jare, I wanted to capture the intersection between childhood and adulthood, so that both become timeless I could have made her smile and laugh, but I made the decision to have her pose As an adult, it is a timeless portrait ", explains the photographer
Little Jare lives in Nigeria with her two sisters, Joba and Joliloju. An Instagram account was recently opened in their three names, "The J3 Sisters". Now they are supermodels.
In 2017, Anna Knyazeva, a 6-year-old Russian girl, was voted the most beautiful girl in the world. We will have to wait to see if such a notoriety at such a young age will have a detrimental effect on these girls or not.
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