7th Treaty of Amity and Cooperation (TAC): Alassane Ouattara takes stock of the achievements of the previous Tac


The 7th Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation (TAC) closed on Friday, July 27, 2018 in the Ivorian political capital in the presence of the Ivorian and Burkinabe presidents Alassane Ouattara and Roch Marc Christian Kaboré.

occasion, the President of the Republic Alassane Ouattara welcomed the progress recorded on most projects initiated under the previous Tac. In this case the Yamoussoukro – Ouagadougou Highway project, whose work started on October 2nd, 2017 on the Yamoussoukro-Tiébissou section, and whose financing is acquired for the Yamoussoukro – Bouaké section, as well as the studies completed on some of the sections, the increase in the supply of electricity in Burkina Faso, with the aim of reaching 90 MW before the end of this year, the efforts made on the issue of traffic fluidity on the Abidjan-Ouagadougou corridor , with the implementation of the Lábáa Juxtaposed Control Post (Pcj), as well as the increased efficiency of trade and transit procedures; the operationalization of the Ivorian-Burkinabè Friendship and Cooperation Fund for Youth Inclusion (Facibij), with the disbursement of 100 million FCFA by each of our States, for young people in projects with immediate potential, creators of wealth and jobs; the participation of a high-level Burkina Faso delegation to the 4th edition of the Agriculture and Animal Resources Fair (Sara 2017), which took place from 17 to 26 November 2017 in Abidjan.

To reread: 7th edition of the TAC: Before the arrival of the presidents Ouattara and Roch Kaboré, obstacles to mobilize the populations to the reception

However, he explained, these progress should not obscure the slowness experienced by some projects initiated by both parties. He mentioned in this regard, the rehabilitation project of the Abidjan-Kaya railway line and its extension to Tambao, work leading to the materialization of the project boundary for the management of evacuees of the Mount pekoe. So many projects to the realization of which he invited the governments of the two countries to speed things up. The Ivorian number 1 seized the opportunity to situate its expectations regarding the future of cooperation between the two countries.

It has indeed meant the need for the two countries to build prosperous and stable nations. "The next decade of our Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation will also have to be the affirmation in our countries of the values ​​essential to the building of prosperous and stable nations, and of the rooting of democracy in our two countries. country and in the West African subregion. We must also devote it to our youth and to creating the opportunities it needs to be better and more prepared to stay in our countries and face the challenges of the world.

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