Sonia's program "7 Voices of the Heart" on TV 7 TV recounts a past that had left its mark by letting victims tell their own stories.
This Tuesday, July 03, 2018, Sonia presented the melancholy life of a mother who, in the middle of atypical individuals, educates her child victim of a terrible event that caused him enormous handicaps.
His name is Omar Ndiaye, and was thrown 8 months old by his grandfather on the 2nd floor. A terrible fact that affected the whole family. Currently, Omar is 16 years old and is suffering from the consequences that deprive him of his mental faculties. Despite his illness, Omar Ndiaye is watching the musical and sports environment, since he says, Wally Seck is his favorite singer and Balla Gaye 2 his wrestler.
Malick Dabo / Senegal7
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