"People have taken advantage of the mess of the putsch to kill and put on our backs" – The News of Burkina Faso 24/24


The interrogation of Chief Warrant Officer Nebié Moussa Rambo continued on Saturday, July 7, 2018 in the banquet hall of Ouaga 2000 requisitioned since February 2018 by the Military Court for the trial of the coup d'etat. September 2015. The prosecution and the lawyers of the civil party considered that the defendant Rambo executed " an apparently illegal order " by arresting the President Michel Kafando because, explains the parquet floor, that undermined the State security. As for the defendant, bitterly, he maintains that he executed a military order.

On Saturday, July 7, 2018, the links between Chief Warrant Officer Nebié Moussa Rambo with a civilian accused, in this case Minata Guelwaré, continued for complicity in attacking the state, murder, assault and willful aggravated property damage, were discussed by the various parties present at the trial.

Chief Warrant Officer Rambo claimed to have known Minata Guelwaré between July and August 2015. With other people, Minata Guelwaré's mission, according to Rambo, was to spy on the positions of loyalist forces coming down on Ouagadougou, more precisely those who came from Fada N'Gourma. " I sent her to Zorgho to give me the information when the loyalist forces come from Fada ". Debates continued as to how the accused gave the information and what it was used for.

" A Flight of Responsibility "

" I told him asked for a service and she gave me back "Rambo first replied and said the information was just for himself. At the insistence of the lawyers of the civil party, the accused denied having been informed of the presence of men of the ex Presidential Security Regiment (Ex RSP) in the field for the maintenance of order. But according to Me Prosper Farama of the civil party, these words of Rambo sound like " a flight of responsibility ". " I am aware that there have been deaths (…). People took advantage of the mess of the putsch to kill people and put them on our backs "said Chief Warrant Officer Nebie Moussa. He takes care to indicate that accused " have evidence " and will come " to build " the court.

On the facts of murder and willful assault that weigh on him, Rambo does not recognize them. " I did not give the order and I did not hear anyone give the order to go and chase the demonstrators ," defends the accused. More, according to his lawyer Solange Zéba who read a statement of Michel Kafando contained in a report, the president of the Transition said about his arrest that " the military in question (the adjutant -chef Rambo) asked to follow him. He led me without violence towards the door (…). I did not suffer physical or verbal violence ".

"… I wanted to enjoy zapping "

Following Chief Warrant Officer Nebie Moussa told Rambo, it was Adjutant Ouékouri Kossè who was called to the bar. The charges against him are: attack on state security, murder, deliberate assault and aggravated voluntary damage to property. He is assisted by Timothée Zongo. Ex officio, the accused set the scene: " I do not recognize the facts ". " On September 16th, I was resting. Around 1 pm, Major Badiel (Eloi) called me and he told me: '' General Diendéré said to stop Zida '' .

Thereafter, explains Adjutant Kossè , along with Sergeant-Chief Lahoko Mohamed Zerbo and two other soldiers he does not know, they positioned themselves on the West side of the presidency for an " observation mission ". Adjutant Kossè says that at the call of Major Badiel, he was in sportswear and asked to return to wear military uniform. " When the Major told me (the arrest of Isaac Zida), I wanted to enjoy zapping ". Bursts of laughter rise in the room. " Zapper, what is it? ", replies the president of the tribunal. " Fleeing ," replies Warrant Officer Kossè

He also confided, " if the major had told me to return to change, I was not going back ". When the prosecution asked him why, the accused claims to be one step away from retirement. " I have five children and I'm a grandfather. I prefer to stay with them "explains the former soldier of the RSP. " Stopping a prime minister, is this normal? ," said the military prosecutor. " It depends. That's my answer "responds Adjutant Ouékouri Kossè without further comment.

" The chief, even if he is how, he has only to go himself "

A little further, the accused Kossè indicated that it was from September 17, 2015 that he understood that the events referred to a coup d'etat. And he continues, " I knew it was General Diendéré " who was at the head. Warrant Officer Ouékouri Kossè also stated that under the same conditions he would not execute such an order. " If you had to do it again, would you ?" Asked Sandwidi of the defense. " No. With what I see, it's all over. The leader, even if he is how, he has only to go himself "responded the accused Kossè dryly.

At 13:45, at the request of the lawyer of Yuki Kossè, the meeting was suspended by the president of the tribunal. It will resume Monday, July 9, 2018 at 9 am

Ignace Ismail NABOLE

Burkina 24

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