French soldier killed in helicopter crash


The accident took place during a training mission between the French and Ivorian armed forces.

A French soldier was killed Tuesday, July 10 in the crash of a military helicopter in Côte d'Ivoire, reports the army. "He died in air service ordered in the performance of his mission during training between the French and Ivorian forces."

The French Gazelle helicopter crashed at about 1700 hours local) to Modeste, a village located about ten kilometers east of the Ivorian economic capital Abidjan, close to the coast. The helicopter belongs to the French Forces in Ivory Coast (FFCI), which have a large base near the airport of Abidjan.

The skipper, seriously injured, was quickly taken in charge and evacuated by road to the medical structure of the French military base in Port-Bouët. He is being evacuated by Falcon to the metropolis, reports the army. The circumstances of the accident remain to be determined. An inquiry will be carried out.

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