Jada Pinkett Smith reveals his addiction to sex


"When I was younger, I think I had some kind of sex addiction. I really thought that sex could solve everything. "Since May, the American comedian does not hesitate to confide on his personal life in his talk show" Red Table Talk ". The show, which she co-hosts with her mother, Adrienne Banfield-Joneset, and her daughter Willow Smith, takes on the air of group therapy.

"Five orgasms a day"

On Monday, July 9, the actress shared a new episode around the theme of addictions, in which mother and girls tell their experiences with a lot of honesty. Confidences are linked together. Jada Pinkett Smith talks about her mother's addiction to heroin, which she witnessed during her adolescence, alcoholism, bigorexia (sports addiction) … But what caught the attention of viewers is the astonishing statement of the actress, who confesses to being hooked to sex, a behavior she would have developed while growing up.

"If you need a lot of sex, that's fine. But why do you need so much sex? That's what you have to think about, "she says. "That's where you start to realize" Oh, I probably have a problem here. "

Jada Pinkett Smith had already mentioned the subject in one of her previous videos in which she talked about his excessive masturbation habits: "With five orgasms a day, I think I was in a sort of addiction."

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