Whitney Houston raped by her cousin? His mother Cissy Houston replies


This story, which had never before been mentioned, is supported by Whitney Houston's brother Gary, who claims to have himself been raped by the same person between his 7 and 9 years. The singer's personal assistant also confirms these accusations.

She would not have said it in a film

The mother of the diva, as well as Dionne Warwick, star of Motown and sister of Dee Dee, published a long press release on the site of People July 11, 2018: " We can not overestimate the shock and horror we feel, and our difficulty believing that my niece Dee Dee Warwick (Dionne's sister) assaulted two of my three children she said Dee Dee may have her own problems, but the idea that she assaulted my children is shocking and according to us, unfathomable. "The family of Whitney Houston however approved the film before its diffusion in Cannes, only, it affirms not to have been aware of this aspect:" Neither my son Michael nor Dionne or I did not know about the accusations of abuse. the film, until the day before its projection in Cannes . "

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