Tuesday, July 10 at midnight was to ring the end of extension granted by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to the reunions, political parties and other independent candidates to complete the filing of candidatures in the provincial elections . The latest news, all the latecomers did not answer the call. But, concordant sources attest that the two main parties of the political rd rd Congolese, namely the People's Party for Reconstruction and Democracy (PPRD) side Power and the Union for Democracy and Social Progress (UDPS) in the ranks of the Opposition, have each deposited their list of candidates.
To the presidential party, it is even specified that this deposit concerns the whole extent of the national territory. In other words, the PPRD will be present in all constituencies in the DRC with respect to provincial election elections. Moreover, a hierarch of the first political formation of the PM confided that they intend to win the majority of seats in provincial contests.
Same story on the side of the UDPS. By the voice of Jacquemain Shabani, "Mr. Tshisekedist party elections", the formation dear to Fatshi claims to have tabled his lists yesterday Tuesday. This exercise, adds the head of the Permanent Electoral Commission of the UDPS, concerns both Kinshasa and all the provinces where his party intends to seek the votes for the provincial elections.
The UDPS files the lists of its candidates [19659002ItwasyesterdaythatMrJacqueminShabanithecoordinatoroftheelectoralstructurecalledthe"PermanentElectoralCommissionoftheUDPS"depositedallthelistsofthecandidatestotheprovinciallegislativeofthispartypresidedoverbyFélix-AntoineTshilomboTshisekedi(Fatshi)ItdiditforthecityofKinshasaaswellasforalltheprovinceswheretheUDPScompetesJacqueminShabaninotedthemajordifficultiesthatheencounteredamongotherthingsinallthedistrictswheretheUDPSisengagedwiththemoosedocumentssuchastheproofofpaymentofthedepositpaidtotheDGRADortheattestationofpaymentnominationofprovincialMPPcandidatesbytheirpartytheUDPS
The coordinator of the Permanent Commission of the UDPS wonders how in a country like the DRC, without communications routes, without planes and without airports, these authentic documents can be sent to remote and inaccessible places, such as the locality of Bongandanga. It is noted that many political parties competing with the provincials face this practical difficulty, original documents to be sent everywhere.
This is the case of "Together for Change", the electoral platform that supports the candidacy of Moïse Katumbi Chapwe who also deposited, yesterday, his lists of candidates in all the provinces. Its secretary-general, Delly Sasanga Hipungu expressed the same concerns as Mr. Jacquemin Shabani, the coordinator of the "Electoral Commission" of the UDPS.
In fact, the 48-hour period granted by the CENI to those who had the tokens of Processing Offices and that expired yesterday did not at all suffice to mop up all these obstacles for administrative documents. The electoral center itself is well aware of this. The wish of many political leaders and some obserrvers is to see it accede to the pressing request formulated by almost all the political parties including the grouping "PALU and allies" of Antoine Gizenga to open an extension of a few days to allow political parties to forward the original documents.
They rightly believe that there is no point running through the next electoral process when several competing political parties risk staying on the side of the road only for a problem of routing original documents. We must find amenities. So far the CENI applies to respect the prescriptions of the electoral law which speaks of the original documents and not photocopies at least for the nomination letter of the political party and the proof of payment of the deposit of the DGRAD. What is impossible in practice
This is where the CENI should be realistic and take into account this significant obstacle. The unfortunate consequence is that up to now, there are only 300 files filed which comply with the law, according to the statistics of the electoral center. While the number of seats for provincial legislatures is 780 MPPs. There is a deficit of almost 500 MPs. That's too much!
The province of Central Kasai with capital in Kananga that was devastated by the war of "Kamwina Nsapu" is the most affected and may be without the provincial chamber if the CENI sticks to deadlines set in the electoral calendar which has provided 14 days for the submission of candidatures to the provincial legislatures without one more day. Because we must move to other stages including the litigation lists of candidates before the courts and tribunals. What his opponents object to him by arguing that the electoral calendar is a creation of the CENI and not a law or the Constitution. From where, they estimate, one can extend the operation of the deposits of the candidatures to the provincial ones of some days without any consequence on the date of December 23, 2018. A opinion that does not share the Central Electoral
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