Xi Jinping hopes his visit will deepen Sino-Senegalese relations


Chinese President Xi Jinping hopes that the two-day visit he will make to Senegal from Saturday will "increase mutual knowledge, strengthen friendship and deepen cooperation" Sino -Senegalese to make it "progress further."

The President of the People's Republic of China is expected Saturday in Senegal for a 48-hour state visit, first trip of the Chinese leader in the sub-region. region.

In a tribune published in the Friday edition of the national daily Le Soleil, entitled in the Wolof national language "Su nu Jappo la Chone and Senegal", the Chinese leader first observes that Sino-Senegalese relations have experienced "ups and downs" in 47 years.

But despite everything, "support, friendship and cooperation, the rapprochement of hearts have always been the essential dimension" of relations between the two countries, he writes.

He reported that in 2005, "a new page opened with the re-establishment of diplomatic relations between our two countries", following Senegal's decision to sever diplomatic relations with Taiwan.

"China supports Senegal in its efforts to take a path of development adapted to national realities, and Senegal strongly supports China on issues affecting its vital interests," said Xi Jinping.

He welcomed the fact that "the mutual political trust" between his country and Senegal "is constantly growing", the mutually beneficial cooperation between the two countries translating into "results tangible "while" coordination remains narrow on major international issues ".

"Relations between China and Senegal have taken a big step forward, moving from friendship partnership and long-term cooperation to comprehensive strategic partnership," said the Chinese president.

In the view of Xi Jinping, Senegal and China "must remain committed to equality and mutual trust" and consider "bilateral relations in a long-term perspective", while supporting "firmly on matters affecting vital interests and major concerns".

In this perspective, China "intends to increase the exchange of experiences with Senegal on governance and share the successful experiences it has acquired during the 40 years of reform and openness in development industrial, rural recovery and poverty alleviation for a better development of both countries, "promised the President of the People's Republic of China.

The Chinese leader has also declined the new outline of Sino-Senegalese relations, asking the two countries to "strengthen the bonds of friendship" between their two peoples.

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