Nelson Mandela International Day: Madiba's heavy but exhilarating legacy


Like the international community, the Nelson Mandela International Day was celebrated in Geneva on July 18th. The commemorative ceremony organized under the aegis of the African Group, was an opportunity to recall the enormous sacrifice of the famous disappeared, to honor his heritage and to invite all generations to draw inspiration from his humanism and his humility

"The fight for equality, dignity and justice continues. The legacy left by Madiba shows us the way. United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres set the tone in a video message to the audience. And the other messages delivered by the personalities present at this ceremony all called to perpetuate the fight of this peacemaker.

For the President of the African Group, the Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Burkina in Geneva, HE Mr. Dieudonné W Desire Sougouri, it is even a "moral duty to act in his image", "in the face of the many challenges our world is facing". And in fact, despite some progress, Clemens Adams, director of the administration of the United Nations Office in Geneva, believes that the world is more likely than ever to slide into dark times. "

The many public honored Nelson Mandela

The President of the African Group called for tolerance, one of the many values ​​embodied by Nelson Mandela, that "tolerance is not only a moral principle, but it is also a political necessity. and legal for individuals, groups and states. "

" This is an opportunity for me to call upon States to develop new legislation to ensure equal treatment and opportunities for different groups and individuals society, and to show greater solidarity with all vulnerable people, especially migrants and refugees, "said Ambassador Sougouri. [19] 659004] "Making the world a better place"

For the various speakers, the values ​​defended by Nelson Mandela are reflected in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of 2030. And all have developed a real Advocating for the achievement of these SDGs to ensure "peace and prosperity for people and the planet", in the words of the Chairman of the African Group.

For ATD Fourth World Vice President, Janet Nelson, "Massive poverty and obscene inequality" are obstacles to the achievement of a world of justice and peace. Quoting Nelson Mandela who said that "the fight against poverty is not an act of charity but an act of justice," Janet Nelson called for "leaving no one behind" and ensuring that "no one lives in fear and shame ". For the Vice President of ATD Fourth World, we must "perpetuate her legacy, to truly honor this man."

"We will honor Nelson Mandela, if we are ready to sacrifice ourselves," said his side Honorable Mogoeng Mogoeng, President of the Constitutional Court of South Africa who believes that "the time has come to act."

"We have talked too long. The time has come to translate what we have said for decades into action. And that goes, according to him, by the denunciation of corrupt leaders, multinationals who plunder the natural resources of our countries and destroy the environment and by the eradication of "abject poverty."

a better place "is still possible, but we must take up the torch where Madiba left it.

Mathieu Bonkoungou

Embassy, Permanent Mission of Burkina

3 -The Jazz Group of the United Nations Office at Geneva for the atmosphere

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