the questions to be answered by Gérard Collomb


Also caught in the whirlwind of the Benalla affair, Gerard Collomb will spend Monday morning on the grill of the commission of inquiry of the National Assembly. It will have to answer "very numerous questions and of a very serious gravity", according to the co-rapporteur, Guillaume Larrivé (LR). Here are which ones.

LIVE. The hearing of Alexander Benalla imminent, the Assembly at a standstill

When was he informed? By whom?

In charge of the mission at the Elysee Palace and on the front line of the security apparatus surrounding Emmanuel Macron, Alexandre Benalla was filmed striking and mistreating protesters on 1 May in Paris.

The Minister of the Interior was aware of these acts as early as 2 May. The place Beauvau, which grows in a near-mutism, confirmed to the "World" this weekend. The oppositions denounce the "lies" of the minister and several personalities, right and left, from Nicolas Dupont-Aignan to Jean-Luc Mélenchon, asked the resignation of Gerard Collomb .

Alexandre Benalla was about to take the head of the security of the Elysée

Subsidiary question: who informed the Minister of the Interior of the violence committed place de la Contrescarpe (5th arrondissement in Paris)? The police headquarters of Paris? The Elysée, who was quickly informed? Another channel? In an environment that is supposed to be very hierarchical, the question is important.

Why did he not react earlier?

In the Senate on Thursday, the minister said that he seized the "font police" for shed light on this case. That's more than two months after the fact. "We have allowed these images to turn on social networks, which is detrimental to the image of the police", deplores Patrice Ribeiro, secretary-general of Syndicat Synergies.

He "concealed (e) (…) this information to the national representation and the justice ", offends Benoît Hamon (Generations).

According to Article 40 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, the public prosecutor should have been seized for these facts but no member of the executive did not do it, which makes the opposition say that the power has sought to stifle the affair. "We live in a hierarchical system.It is not the Minister of the Interior to initiate proceedings against a collaborator of the President," tempered Patrice Ribeiro. "There was violence … It was necessary to make an article 40, at least to protect itself", advances a framework of the administration.

Why was Benalla present on May 1st?

It was supposed to be an "observer" on a law enforcement operation, he ended up wandering with police armband, police radio and helmet on his head before attacking protesters, in the company of Vincent Crase, an employee of La République en Marche

Benalla case: who are the 5 key people in the case?

Who validated their presence on this event? The police headquarters. But at what level? Was Beauvau aware? Where does the police material held by Alexandre Benalla come from? Why did the police chief of the Directorate of Public Order and Traffic (DOPC) of the Prefecture of Police intervene to prevent these acts, while he was the "referent" that day? Alexandre Benalla? "It is difficult to see a major to oppose a councilor of the Elysee," says a union source.

Several sources also reported the presence of Alexander Benalla briefings and debriefings of the May 1 demonstration that s "was the result of spectacular violence by Black Bloc activists."

"He is regularly on operational devices and seems to be piloting different things," says David Le Bars, Secretary General of the Union of Commissioners of the United States. National Police (SCPN)

"He is not a graduate at all, but seems to have access to everything Who commissioned him for that?"

After the Minister of the Interior waited at 10 am, the prefect police Michel Delpuech will be auditioned from 14 hours.

What role at the Elysee?

According to several sources, the former chargé de mission to the chief of staff of the presidency of the Republic, who accompanied regularly Emma Nuel Macron on his movements (including after his layoff of 15 days, in view of press photos), also appeared to control security at the Elysee.

The Benalla case is explosive because it contains four scandals [19659004] Problem: this is precisely the mission of the Presidential Security Group of the Republic (GSPR), a structure of the Protection Service (SDLP), dependent on the National Police. The GSPR is led by a colonel of gendarmerie.

According to police sources, trade unions and internal Beauvau, a reorganization of the security of the Elysee was in the pipes for the end of 2018, with the creation of a Directorate of Security of the Presidency of the Republic (DSPR) composed of three entities. Alexandre Benalla was presumed to occupy a prominent place in this device directly controlled by the presidency. ” class=”img-profil”/>

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