Indian Prime Minister offers 200 cows to farmers to fight malnutrition


Narendra Modi, Indian Prime Minister, and Paul Kagame, Rwandan President, at a meeting on Tuesday, July 24, 2018. – Stringer / AP / SIPA

During an official visit to Rwanda, Narendra Modi, the Indian prime minister, donated 200 cows, a sacred animal in India, to poor families in the village of Rweru, south of the capital Kigali.

The gesture is part of a program Rwandan government launched in 2006 and entitled "Girinka". It aims to combat malnutrition by providing rural families with livestock to ensure access to milk for children.

A $ 200 Million Loan

"Girinka" means, in Kinyarwanda, the local language, "May you have a lot of cows." The Indian prime minister said the program "helps transform people's lives." The operation would have already helped reduce poverty by nearly a quarter between 2000 and 2010.

The Indian Prime Minister and Rwandan President Paul Kagame also announced during this visit that they signed several agreements. Among them, a loan of $ 200 million to develop irrigation systems and extend the special economic zone of Kigali.

A summit in Johannesburg

After Rwanda, Narendra Modi continued his short African tour while traveling to Uganda. He has agreed with President Yoweri Museveni on a loan of $ 200 million, which will be used in particular for the construction of power lines and the manufacture of solar-powered irrigation pumps.

Finally, Indian Prime Minister will travel to Johannesburg for the opening on Wednesday of the summit of leaders of the Brics (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa).

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