General Baccalaureate: Success rate up 5%


The day after the publication of the results of the baccalaureate of general education, the Office of the Baccalaureate of Cameroon (Obc) has made public statistics related to success. It shows that the success rate at the first university degree in Cameroon, general education version, is 51.74% for the June 2018 session. An increase of about 5%. In 2017, this rate was 46.13%.

The Eastern region is at the top with a rate of 62.19%, followed by the Northwest (60.83%) and the Southwest ( 59.77%). All three regions are on an upward trend, recording 39.03%, 57.82% and 41.30% respectively in 2017. With the champion who achieves a spectacular leap from the back row. At the bottom of the table, Adamaoua (46.75%), North (42.53%) and Far North (34.95%) line up. The most extreme region of the north retains this last place already occupied last year (33.42%). On the other hand, the North retains its 9th place (39.13%), while the Far North retreats from 8th to 10th position.

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