#InMyFeelings: the new fashionable challenge that worries


For several years, the most stupid-and the most dangerous-challenges have proliferated on social networks, such as the "fire challenge", which encouraged participants to sprinkle part of their body with a flammable substance. to set it on fire and then extinguish it before getting burned, or its variant, the "hot water challenge", which sent several people to the hospital with serious burns.

The latest? The "In My Feelings Challenge". It consists of getting out of his car on the move to perform a choreography to the sound of the tube "In My Feelings" of the American rapper Drake.

A challenge that worries the authorities, as it encourages young Americans to open their driver's side door to dance next door. The vehicle, even when launched at a slow pace, is likely to cause an accident.

Spectacular Falls

As for the challengers, they are sometimes victims of spectacular falls.

On Monday night, nearly 650,000 hits were posted on Instagram with the #InMyFeelings hashtag, nearly 400,000 with the #InMyFeelingsChallenge hashtag, and nearly 130,000 with the #KikiChallenge hashtag.

Originally, the challenge is inspired by the performance of influencer "Shoker", aka "The Shiggy Show", which filmed on June 29, dancing in the street on Drake's music . But in no case did he jump from a moving car …

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