ABB's opinion – The Burkina Faso News 24 hours a day


This is a statement of the Association of Bloggers of Burkina (ABB) on the Naim Touré case.

On June 13, 2018, the activist Naim Toure was arrested by the gendarmerie services following a publication on his Facebook profile. The following charges were made against him through the said publication:

1- participation in a demoralization operation of the Defense and Security Forces

2- proposal to the defense and security forces to form a conspiracy against the security of the State,

3- incitement to disturb public order

Recall that in the same publication, Naïm Touré drew the attention of the Defense and Security Forces to take responsibility for their to their condition of life and work following the fate of Constable Henry Traoré, wounded during Rayongo's anti-terrorist operation

Burkina Faso being a democratic country with a separation of powers, we trusted the Justice with the secret hope that the Tribunal would release him from all the charges against him.

It is therefore with consternation that we learned this Tuesday, July 3 the conviction two months in prison of Naim for: "call for disturbance to public order not followed by effect."

This condemnation lacks elegance for our country and sounds like a democratic retreat and an attack on freedom of expression. expression and opinion in Burkina Faso

We, organizations of the world of ICTs, while recognizing some drifts at times in the use of social networks, regret this decision of justice.

As structures of defense of freedom of expression, network of bloggers, web activists, journalists, incubators, third places, fablab, civil society actors, we never stop worrying about the fate of the actors of the information and the users of social networks in general

As a result, we remind them of their responsibility on each occasion, particularly in the useful and responsible use of these digital media.

However, we can not condone any violation of the principles so dear to our democracy, which are freedom of expression and individual and collective liberty.

In view of the above, we call for the release of Naïm Touré.

Dated at Ouagadougou, July 4, 2018


For the Association of Bloggers of Burkina (ABB)

Bassératou KINDO

For Africtiviste

Bassératou KINDO (member)

For Béogo-Neere

Malik Lingani

For The News of the District

Sharaf Omar Coulibaly

For Protaf

Wangnin Zerbo

For Ouagalab

Gildas Guiela

For Zamalab

Edmond Tiendrébeogo

For Jokkolabs

Cheick-Omar Ouedraogo

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