academics pledge against Kabila's third term –


Congolese academics launched and signed Saturday in Kinshasa a manifesto warning against a third presidential term of Joseph Kabila in the DRC, ten days from the start of applications for this election.

University professors, jurists, doctors, sociologists, philosophers and political scientists signed this manifesto, which considers that Joseph Kabila's candidacy for a third term "constitutes an imprescriptible offense of high treason against the nation and the state" in look at the Congolese Constitution.

"It's a question of working so that the tampering of the Constitution can not be realized in our country", insisted Georges Kapiamba, president of the Congolese Association for access to the justice, one of the people who took the initiative of this manifesto.

The manifesto responds to a thesis supported for some weeks by a jurist of the majority that President Kabila, elected in 2006, was only one five-year term, according to the current Constitution because of its partial revision in 2011 that he said brought the counter to zero.

For a peaceful and civilized transition

By July 20, President Kabila is expected to deliver a speech to Congress, according to a recent announcement by Speaker of the National Assembly Aubin Minaku.

On this occasion, "he returns to President Kabila to make it clear that he is in a situation of impediment to elections, that he will no longer be able to stand in the presidential election, wish his successor good luck and also tell us that he is vouching for the proper organization of elections, "said Alphonse-Daniel Ntumba Luaba, Professor of Constitutional Law and former Minister of Justice.

Nominations for the presidential election are scheduled between July 24 and August 8

In this case, "we will recognize the merit of having facilitated a peaceful and civilized transition and he can enter through the great door in the history of the Congolese nation," he explained. to AFP

Elections are scheduled on December 23, 2018 in the DRC, with a presidential election that will appoint the successor of President Kabila, whose term ended in December 2016. But, Mr. Kabila remains silent on his intentions

Nominations for the presidential election are scheduled between July 24 and August 8.

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