Additional efforts for Morocco despite its good performance


Morocco's performance in infrastructure development policy is "generally above average levels in the other ten emerging economies studied". The Global Infrastructure Hub (GIH), a G20 initiative in two studies of the CompactwithAfrica countries, a plan launched by Germany to attract private investment in Africa, was reported on Tuesday (July 3rd). Countries where "the need for investment in infrastructure is estimated at $ 2.4 trillion by 2040", says GIH.

Performance "superior" to those of other emerging economies of Africa

The first of these reports, titled "Defining an infrastructure policy in the right direction" and carried out in partnership with KPMG, an international network of auditing and consulting firms, does not fail to praise Morocco. 19659004] "Morocco's performance in the areas of infrastructure policy (…) was generally higher than the average levels recorded for the other emerging economies studied. The country has recorded a relatively strong performance in the procurement of infrastructure projects, which could support the high quality of infrastructure in Morocco. "

GIH study in partnership with KPMG

The second study, conducted Based on the World Economic Outlook (WEO), which is a survey developed by the World Bank, it focuses on the investments that must be made by the ten countries in infrastructure to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.

For the kingdom, GIH indicates that the country intends to invest 210 billion dollars, or 1 986 billion dirhams, in its infrastructure for the period from 2016 to 2040. The second study estimates that the amount that must be invested, amounts to 246 billion dollars, the equivalent of 2,327.14 billion dirhams. That said, the kingdom must make an additional effort with an increase in investment of $ 36 billion cumulative, or 340 billion dirhams for the same period.

An effort infrastructure investment

By sector, the investment effort should include roads, where the kingdom remains below the African average and where it comes in 7th place, behind the Ethiopia (1st), Guinea, Côte d'Ivoire, Senegal, Rwanda and Tunisia. In terms of GDP, the study recommends an effort equivalent to nearly 1.7% by 2040. Morocco must also invest more in the electricity sector, spending nearly 2.7% of its GDP by 2040, according to the document

Just to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030, 0.8% and 0.2% of GDP must be invested in the sectors of electricity and water in Morocco.

But if the second document underlines that the kingdom remains in phase with the African average in terms of investment in other sectors, it makes the extent of global infrastructure investment gaps at the country level, between the amounts projected to achieve the SDGs and those actually needed. "Currently, 40% of people living in 10 African countries do not have easy access to electricity. Respectively 59% and 53% of them live without drinking water or sanitation, "say the report's authors.

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