Affi calls for "the conclusion of a political agreement" with the PDIC and the opposition parties


million. Affi who pronounced on a possible political agreement between the Fpi and the Pdci, answered "I will say that this is what we wish, the conclusion of a political agreement, a broad agreement that could go even beyond of the PDIC to take into account the opposition ", facing the press.

Ex-President Laurent Gbagbo's party leader, re-elected on Saturday at the head of the party, said he is "open to an alliance because the political game in Ivory Coast is a busting game. and there is not at present a political force capable of bringing together the vast majority of Ivorians ".

"All political parties that want change around fundamental issues for our country, such as the issue of national reconciliation, the restoration of the state that is bankrupt today" are welcome to build "a Democratic and republican state, "he continued.

The FPI, he says, hopes "in the weeks and months to come" to be able to meet with political parties, many of whom are already visiting Henri Konan Bédié president of the Pdci "since the perspective of the rupture the Rhdp (ruling coalition) has emerged ", which shows that" the political class is in favor of the constitution of a great alliance ".

He argued that "in politics he has no unnatural alliance (..). From the moment of serving the country, Ivorians can get together. If they do not want, they do not want to serve, but if they want to serve (the Nation), they must be able to get together. "

For him "Parliament must become the bedrock of democracy in Côte d'Ivoire (as well as) the Senate which has been challenged and whose fate must be settled by the political actors" who will have to put "together for the alternation and the other budgeting institutions ".

He pointed out that the grouping of parties, carried by a "vision" can allow these formations to be together because "there is no national reconciliation of left and right, it transcends political divisions and so does the establishment of a republican state or the fight against corruption. "

Following his re-election, Mr. Affi intends to consolidate the REIT both at the top and at the base. The new team, he informs, is made up of 70% of new members including journalist Guillaume Gbato, in order to prepare the party succession. He is still with him Marcel Gossio, former director general of the port of Abidjan and Mrs. Agnès Monnet who keeps the door parolat.

He promised to make activists proud and worthy. Thus, for the 2020 elections, he created a department responsible for political animation and "will be entrusted to Konaté Navigué", the leader of the youth. And this, while hoping that the other fringe of the FPI joins the fight for the reconquest of the state power in 2020.

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