Africa invites itself to Fort Querqueville


The new owner of Fort Querqueville, Boubekeur Khelfaoui, had announced to open the site as often as possible to the public. The association that manages the fort, the Afquer, therefore presents the first edition of the Festival des continents from Thursday 5 to Sunday 8 July 2018.

The event will be under the sign of Africa. On the program of these four days: conferences, traditional Norman games, African tales, Norman and African gastronomy, exhibitions (especially devoted to Senegal), films about Nigeria, and concerts of local and international artists

Dibango, king of the saxophone

On stage, among others, the Algerian rock Djam, the Malgache Rajery and his valhila (sort of bamboo harp), the singer Cherbourg Catherine Dargent, the Irish sounds of Marinade, the Malian Mama Toumali, the jazzman Cheik Tidiane Seck, and headlining the great saxophonist Manu Dibango

The entrance to the hemicycle of the fort is free and open to all, the evening-concerts cost ten euros per day. The ticket office is open on the internet

Opening of the hemicycle of the fort Thursday, July 5, 2018 at 14 hours and at 10 am Friday 6, Saturday 7 and Sunday 8 July 2018. Free access for exhibitions, events, conferences, etc. . Paying concerts from 6 pm to 10.30 pm (700 places per day)

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