After Helsinki, is Trump "a weak" or "a traitor"?


The White House leader unanimously opposed him in the United States by dissociating himself from his intelligence services before the Russian president.

From our correspondent in Washington,

Donald Trump arrived to almost unanimously against him with his performance in Helsinki against Vladimir Putin. "Lamentable", "surreal", "repugnant", "horrible", "unpatriotic", "a national shame" … A flood of negative comments from the right and the left. Even Fox News has had moods, that is to say.

If Trump's eagerness with Putin has earned him his share of reproaches, it is mostly the exchange with Jonathan Lemire of the Associated Press that marked the spirits. "The Russian president denies interfering in the 2016 election, all US intelligence agencies conclude the reverse: who do you believe?" A simple question, convoluted answer. "Where are the servers (computer of the Democratic Party, Ed) ?", Trump launched, before giving his feeling: "President Putin says it is not Russia. I do not see any reason for it to be it. "

" READ ALSO – Donald Trump is "competent", according to Vladimir Putin

The Director of National Intelligence, Dan Coats, appointed by Trump, has seen fit to publish an immediate update, apparently without having it validated by the White House: "We were clear in our assessment of Russian interference in the 2016 election and their persistent, widespread efforts to undermine our democracy. We will continue to provide objective and unapologetic intelligence in support of our national security. "

The" Charlottesville "of Foreign Policy?

" Extraordinary "exclaimed on ] New York Times for whom this episode is "the equivalent of Charlottesville in foreign policy," a reference to the racist events of last summer when Donald Trump had seen "people from both sides." This time, "he threw out all conventional notions of how a president should behave abroad. Instead of defending America against those who threaten it, it attacks its own fellow citizens and institutions while applauding the leader of a hostile power. "

The site of Washington Post Monday night posted a full page of chronicles with incendiary titles: "Trump replaces national pride with personal vanity", "He is a fan of Putin, one day we will know why" … Even the Wall Street Journal usually measured in his critics, has cracked a severe editorial, titled: "The doctrine 'Trump first'". Believing that his "eagerness" with the Russian president was "a national embarrassment", he accuses him "of having projected weakness."

More than derogatory adjectives, it is this suspicion that is likely to affect a sore spot at Trump. Most questions raised by the Helsinki summit oscillate between two infamous: is it a weak or a traitor?

The Democrats confirmed in their thesis

The republican representative of Texas Will Hurd , a former CIA agent, says on CNN: "I've seen Russian intelligence manipulate a lot of people in my career. I never thought that the President of the United States would be one of them. "John Obtenant, former CIA director under Barack Obama, dares to tweet the word: the Trump press conference" was nothing less than betrayal. "Nancy Pelosi, Leader of the Democrats in the House, shouts:" This proves that the Russians have something about the president, personally, financially or politically. "

In the Republican ranks, John McCain is the most severe, as usual, accusing him "of being not only incapable, but of not wanting to stand against Putin" and of "making the conscious choice to defend a tyrant." Lindsey Graham deplores "a missed opportunity" that will be "perceived as weakness" and recommends to check if a system of listening was not concealed in the soccer ball offered by Putin to Trump! On the Democratic side, Sen. Chuck Schumer also criticizes the president for being "inconsistent, dangerous and weak."

Ari Fleisher, former spokesman for George W. Bush and Trump supporter, confesses his dismay on Twitter: " I still believe that there was no collusion between his campaign and Russia, but when Trump accepts Putin's arguments so easily and naively, I can understand why the Democrats think Putin must have something on him . "

A scheduled meeting with Congressional officials

On Fox News, Bret Baier described the presidential performance as" surrealist "and Neil Cavuto as" disgusting ", an unpublished tone on this antenna. It was not until Sean Hannity, confidant and unconditional to the president, to defend him in his program Monday night: it is the "witch hunt", the "leftist conspiracy" which is "disgusting", has he hammered, before broadcasting the interview Trump had given him just after the summit. There was nothing more learned, but the reporter did his best, immediately praising the White House leader's "very strong" response to "Democratic servers."

On the return flight, Donald Trump tweeted aboard Air Force One: "I have great confidence in my intelligence people. However, to build a better future, we can not focus on the past. The two largest nuclear powers must agree! "A meeting with the elected representatives of the Congress was added to its agenda on Tuesday to try to allay their concerns.

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