After his reconciliation with Debordo Leekunfa, DJ Arafat attacks Ariel Sheney again


After his reconciliation in France with Debordo Leekunfa, DJ Arafat decided to make a clean sweep of his dispute with his former colt Ariel Sheney, Daishikan apologized to Ariel Sheney not without promising him that he also forgave " the mistakes of the former member of the Yôrôgang

Hardly his reconciliation with Debordo Leekunfa sealed that DJ Arafat has just made another strong act against his ex-foal Ariel Sheney. With this former member of his Yôrôgang, Beerus Sama was cold since the preparations for his concert at Bataclan. He reproached him for his unprofessionalism, which led to his non-participation in the concert. Since then, the two accomplices of yesterday had returned in a kind of arm wrestling with often harsh words. Finally, Ariel Sheney slammed the door of the Yôrôgang to the chagrin of his mentor.

DJ Arafat then expressed his desire not to hear any more about the artist he had produced himself and made known immensity of his talent. He even called "the Chinese," his fans to unsubscribe from all of Ariel Sheney's social networks. And even when he was not able to refuel during his concert, it is he who has unveiled video to support the lack of affluence.

Won a spirit of forgiveness for some time DJ Arafat decided to come to terms with all those with whom he had tense relationships. Thus, after six years of guéguerre and clash with Debordo Leekunfa, he decided to smoke the pipe of peace with his ex-compair. Today, it is with Ariel Sheney that he moves to reconciliation.

"I just thought and I officially decided to forgive Ariel Sheney," he revealed in a video in directly on his Facebook page. Far from being a banal act for him, DJ Arafat told his fans that it is a "more than sincere act that comes from the heart." "I forgive you for your mistakes and for all that I have done to you. I'm sorry, if I had to offend you, it's sincere and it comes from the heart, "he said.

To demonstrate that he decided to put a cross on his dispute with his ex-foal, he proposes to help if necessary. "As long as I can support you, I will not hesitate," he said in this "urgent" video of less than four minutes. In his bid to show solidarity with Ivorian artists, DJ Arafat said he was open to all requests provided that it does not skirt disrespect and hogwash. "All artists who would like help from me, you can contact me through all my communication channels. It is peace, but do not frustrate me, and I do not lack respect. As long as we go in this logic, there is no problem, "he confided.

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