Aggression of a sub-Saharan child in Annaba


The National Council of Human Rights (CNDH) reacted saying "deeply shocked and upset" in a press release made public last Thursday. The series of attacks against Algeria to give it the image of a country "racist" continues, a video was published on social networks, which touched the sensitivity of many Algerian Internet users who reacted against this aggression against a sub-Saharan child. For its part, the Human Rights Council expressed its disappointment for such an act, saying "deeply shocked and upset by such violence against a child sub-Saharan Annaba.
In a statement released Thursday, the Council appealed to the services concerned "to assume their responsibilities and exercise their powers so that this ignoble person can be punished, with all the rigor required by law for such violence against a vulnerable person". It recalls, in this regard, "the prohibition of acts of violence against any person, especially as the Constitution provides that the State guarantees the inviolability of the human person and that any form of physical or moral violence or dignity is prohibited ".
The CNDH remains" convinced that "this isolated act will not in any way undermine the important efforts made by the State to protect and promote the rights of the child, which remains vigilant about the respect of its regional and international engagements in the matter. "As a reminder, after filing a full against X by the services of the wilaya of Annaba, two people were arrested Thursday who should be involved in this case. aggression of a child sub-Saharan, according to the communication cell of the wilaya of Annaba.
The apprehended people are the aggressor and the instigator of this aggression, specified the same source, adding that the person who filmed this scene of child abuse was identified and "remains actively sought". The complaint against X was filed Wednesday by the services of the wilaya following a video broadcast on social networks showing a sub-Saharan child being mugged by an adult at the bus station in Annaba, said the same source. On his part, the Minister of the Interior and Local Authorities, Nourredine Bedoui had declared, since Annaba a few hours before the arrest of the two assaults, that "the law will be strictly applied against the actors of this act considered despicable by several associations

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