Agricultural development: Cemac in search of 130 billion francs (…)


In the Cemac zone, if we have to dare to say it, the agricultural fracture is very pronounced. Of the six countries in the subregion, only a few stand out because of their economic potential and their agricultural sector. This half-hearted development is not without consequences for the economy of the sub-region, which, unlike its neighbor in West Africa, is struggling not only to support the population but also to financing of the sub-regional economy, while the profitability of oil is shrinking at high speed.

If this underdevelopment concerns agriculture as a whole, it is towards financing and development of the breeding division that the reflections of the leaders of CEMAC were turned. Indeed, looking for an envelope of 130 billion CFA francs to address this issue of community development, the Chairman of the Cemac Commission, Daniel Ona Ondo, just had a working session with the Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Livestock, Meat and Fish Resources (Cebevirha) for the organization of a multi-party round table in Brussels, Belgium.

The outcome of these exchanges, with multiple stakes, augurs well for new agricultural and economic prospects for the subregion, even if the project is still in its infancy, must be able to overcome the question of the collection of announced funds.

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