anti-aircraft defense responds to "aggression" against military base and accuses Israel


The Syrian army responded Sunday night to an "aggression" against the T4 airbase in the central province of Homs, which a military source has blamed Israel, according to the official Sana agency. "Our anti-aircraft defenses responded to Israeli aggression and shot down missiles at the T-4 airport, hitting one of the planes and forcing others to leave the" Syrian "airspace, she said. citing a military source.

Iranian fighters affected? The director of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (OSDH) Rami Abdel Rahman told AFP that "the T4 airport and its surroundings near Palmyra (…) had been the target of a missile bombardment ", saying that it was probably Israeli strikes, and said the bombing had reached" Iranian fighters in the area ". "airport" and reported deaths among these fighters and other pro-regime forces without giving a balance sheet.

In addition to the Syrian army, Iranian fighters and Lebanese Hezbollah are on T4 airbase, according to the OSDH on 9 April, missiles had I was shot at the T4 base, killing up to 14 fighters, including seven Iranians. Iran, Syria and Russia had blamed Israel for the raid. On February 10, Israel announced a "far-reaching" attack on Syria, hitting 12 targets after intercepting a drone from Syria. He had openly said, for the first time, targeting Iranian targets. After firing Syrian anti-aircraft fire, an Israeli F-16 crashed in northern Israel

"We do not comment on news from foreign media." Since the beginning of the 2011 conflict in Syria, Israel has regularly hit military targets of the Syrian army but also Lebanese Hezbollah in that country, but without saying most of the time that it was at the origin of these attacks. "We do not comment on foreign media reports," an Israeli army spokesman said on Sunday night about T4 strikes. Israel keeps repeating that it will not allow an Iranian military presence in Syria. Israel and Syria are in a state of war. Israel seized most of the Syrian Golan Heights in 1967 and annexed them in 1981.

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