Arabia: A fan wishing to hug an artist was arrested after the concert


A woman may be prosecuted for "sexual harassment" in Saudi Arabia for wanting to pick up an Iraqi pop singer who was performing on stage, police and media reported Sunday.

The woman, who was not identified, was wearing an abaya and a niqab. She jumped on stage to hug the Iraqi crooner Majid al-Mouhandis, whose love songs are very popular in the Gulf.

According to a statement by the police, the woman was arrested after the concert on Friday night for "criminal acts under the anti-harassment regulations."

A video circulating on social networks showed the woman rushing on the stage to the pop star, who tried to move away before being quickly removed by security

The Saudi press reported that the woman was attending the concert in Taif (west) when her friends challenge to embrace the artist.

She faces two years in prison and a fine of up to 100,000 riyals ($ 26,665, 22,790 euros), said lawyer Abdulkarim al-Qadi in the online version of the newspaper Okaz .

In May, Saudi Arabia adopted a new harassment law primarily against those who attack women at the wheel.

ban on women from driving was lifted on June 24.

This measure is part of a program of reforms inspired by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, which has allowed, among other things, the organization of music concerts and the empowerment of women. [19659012] window.fbAsyncInit = function () {
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