Argentina: demonstration of anti-abortion, one week before the Senate vote


 Anti-abortion protesters in front of the presidential residence in Olivos, near Buenos Aires, July 30, 2018

Anti-Abortion Protesters at the Presidential Residence in Olivos, Buenos Aires, July 30, 2018
 / AFP

Several hundred people, wearing blue scarves "in favor of two lives", demonstrated Monday near Buenos Aires against the bill legalizing abortion in Argentina, which will be submitted to the Senate on August 8 .

Waving Argentine flags, and with a giant fetus-shaped doll, anti-abortion rallied noisily in front of the presidential residence in Olivos, on the outskirts of Buenos Aires, and sang hymns.

President Mauricio Macri spoke out against abortion, but members of the government said he would not veto the law if it was approved.

"We want to ask the Executive for help with public policies for the woman in vulnerable situations Abortion is not the solution, "said Ayelén Amancay, head of the anti-abortion NGO Más Vida, one of the organizations that called for demonstration.

The Catholic Church, very influential in Argentina, organizes a mass at the Cathedral of Buenos Aires on August 8, at the same time as the debate in the Senate.

 Demonstration against abortion in front of the presidential residence in Olivos, near Buenos Aires, July 30, 2018

Demonstration against abortion in front of the presidential residence in Olivos, near Buenos Aires, July 30, 2018
 / AFP

After the legalization of abortion in Ireland, the Church weighs all its weight so that the abortion is not legalized in the country of Pope Francis.

The bill authorizes the abortion up to 14 weeks of pregnancy and provides for free in all health centers in the country.

It was approved by the Chamber of Deputies on June 14, in a historic vote in this Catholic and conservative country. 19659004] Before the crucial Senate vote, several pro-and anti-abortion protests were announced. The subject strongly divides society and the two postures coexist in all political parties.

The Senate may pass the bill, reject it or amend it, thus leading to a new examination by the members of Parliament.

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