Ariel Sheney / Arafat DJ: Everything goes in order (+ video)


The Beerus Sama has for some time revealed a face so soft that it amazes. A few days ago, he took a decisive step towards his great rival of the offbeat coupe Debordo Leekunfa with the aim of putting an end to six years of suspended war.

While on tour in France, he contacted the latter who also stayed in the Hexagon, who was not asked to respond to the invitation of his comrade to smoke the pipe of peace.

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Making a lot of talk, this reconciliation is still in time for a reunification of actors of the Coupé offset, quite torn. The offbeat Coupé icon has once again been mature in announcing great news: its desire for reconciliation with Ariel Sheney, his former arranger and Yorogang member with whom he has been cold since his sudden departure. Yorogang family

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Very disappointed and obviously angry, Arafat did not hesitate to throw open pikes at his ex-foal. But all this is behind the one who now wants to clean up his relations with his colleagues. By a live facebook, he declared that he did not want it any more and was now ready to go back with him.

Provided that this wave of peace continues …

Carole G [19659009] * Except authorization of the writing or partnership pre-established, the resumption of the articles of is strictly prohibited. Every offender exposes himself to prosecution



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