Assane Diouf's judgment: The United States presses Senegal •


In detention since November 2017, Assane Diouf is not always tried. A situation that worries Americans who demand his judgment. Human rights defenders, the United States Supreme Court and the Orelan Court of Appeal have corresponded with the Senegalese authorities to demand that his trial be held. According to Les Echos, which gives the information, no less than 9 letters were sent to the Senegalese authorities. First, on February 27, Amnesty's general secretary had Senegal to denounce the injustice that Assane Diouf suffered. Then, the US Attorney General Kenneth Roth and the Director General of Human Rights wrote on April 9 to the Ministry of Justice to inquire about the slowness of the trial of Assane Diouf, nicknamed the public insulter. That's not all. On March 9, the United Nations Commissioner for Refugees seized the Senegalese authorities to worry about the situation of Assanre Diouf. He is being prosecuted for insults through a computer system, defamation, disturbing public order, insulting a minister of religion.

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