At 26, Ilyas decided to use the big ways to lose her virginity


Even though he has already tried everything, Ilyas Baert has not found a shoe yet. "
                     I hate one-night shots. I am really looking for someone with whom the power goes and with whom I can build a future. Speed ​​dating, presentation via friends, online dating sites … Nothing worked. Each date does not go beyond the stage of friendship. In my opinion, many of these initiatives are simply scams.
                    He explains,

And he is far from alone. According to Sensoa, the Flemish Sexual Health Expertise Center, one in ten 25-year-olds has never had sex.

As her virginity worries her, Ilyas asked if it was possible to get a message through the press: "
                     I have the feeling that it is now or never. The years go by. I work as a drama critic in the theatrical and musical field. Before that, I worked in public relations. This is where I learned about the media impact that information can have. So, why not now? And who knows, maybe I will also break a taboo?
                    ". And even if he dreams of a big slender and slender blonde, the young man knows that he will surely have to reconsider his selection criteria.

If you are in the same situation as Ilyas, one advice: do not take not the head!

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