At border crossing with Jordan, Russian and Syrian military exult


 Syrian soldiers burn rebel flag after taking Nassib border post with Jordan in southern Syrian province of Daraa, July 7, 2018 / AFP

Syrian soldiers burn flag of Syria rebels after taking the Nassib border crossing with Jordan, in the south of the Syrian province of Deraa, July 7, 2018 / AFP

A few steps from the Nassib border crossing between Syria and Jordan, Hilarious Syrian regime soldiers burn a flag of rebellion they have just driven out of this strategic crossing for Middle Eastern trade.

"The state has got its hands on a major economic facility, which links Syria to other countries, including Jordan and the Gulf countries, "a Syrian military source said.

More soldiers made the V of Victory near a tank decorated with a portrait of President Bashar al- Assad while police agents milita Russian army are holding their arms in their arms, next to a Russian-flagged truck, a staunch ally of the Syrian regime in its war against the insurgents.

 Syria's Nassib border with Jordan after it resumes with rebels by pro-regime forces in Syria, July 7, 2018 / AFP

Russian military police members at Syria's Nassib border post with Jordan after its rebel rebel by pro-regime forces in Syria, July 7, 2018 / AFP

After unleashing a flood of fire on the southern province of Deraa since June 19, the Syrian regime and the Russians have bowed the rebels.

Following an agreement, the latter, among other things, handed over to them control of this strategic border crossing with Jordan, which they had seized three years ago.

Once vital for the transit of goods through M Middle East, Nassib, called Jaber on the Jordanian side, bears the marks of the war that has ravaged Syria since March 2011.

– Arch collapsed –

One of the arches under which the vehicles passed is partly collapsed, with concrete blocks held precariously in the air by disarticulated iron bars

Interfering with the passage on several lanes, two container ships lie overturned, under a sign which reads "customs" in English.

In spite of these destructions, the Syrian regime hopes that the reconquest of this border crossing will allow to revive the trade and the economy of the country.

It is indeed there that transit the goods produced in the Syrian governmental sector, to Jordan and then the Gulf.

Before the conflict, hundreds of trucks passed daily through the free zone of this border post, carrying the imports. ns and exports from Jordan and also ensuring the connection between the Hashemite Kingdom and Europe, via Turkey.

 Syrian soldiers make the V of victory near a photo of President Bashar al-Assad hanging on a tank at the border post of Nassib on the Jordanian border, after its rebellion on July 7, 2018 / AFP

Syrian soldiers make the V of victory near a photo of President Bashar al-Assad hung up on a tank at the Nassib border crossing at the Jordanian border, after its rebel attack on 7 July 2018 / AFP

By taking over Nassib, the regime now controls nearly half of the 19 official border crossings with neighboring countries: Lebanon, Iraq, Turkey, Jordan

With the military support of its unyielding allies, Russia and Iran in the lead, the Damascus regime is more than ever determined to assert its power over the entire world. Syria, ravaged since 2011 by a war that has left more than 350,000 dead and millions of refugees and displaced

Multiplying victories over rebels and jihadists across a fragmented country, it already controls over 60% of the territory.

In the the southern province of Deraa, considered the "cradle of the Syrian revolt" against Assad's power, the deadly bombing eventually forced the rebels to accept a deal negotiated by Moscow.

He established a ceasefire , provides for the disarmament of the insurgents of Deraa and the return of state institutions in the region.

In Nassib, one of the soldiers suddenly appears, flip flops. "Do not film me, this is the first time I wear them, I have not taken off my boots for 20 days."


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