Barack Obama the hyperactive in South Africa


Obama, the return? The former US president is giving a speech on Tuesday in South Africa on the occasion of the centenary of the birth of Nelson Mandela. This will be the last leg of a long international tour that will have seen Barack Obama meet in recent days the Spanish and Portuguese Prime Ministers (which he did not know in office), hold conferences, and even visit, this Monday, a youth center in Kenya, from which his family comes.

A real agenda of a head of state! "Obama has a passion for public action, he is no longer president but is still a global leader, and that proves that he remains very popular," says Nicole Bacharan, a specialist in American politics.

With Trump , Obama goes out of his reserve

The predecessor of Donald Trump has in fact never left the public scene since leaving the White House. But "what is special is that he has a successor obsessed with the idea of ​​undoing what he did," says Bacharan. Between "No Drama Obama", one of the nicknames attached to the former president for his ability to control his nerves, and eruptive Trump, the current does not pass.

Agreement on the climate, on the Iranian nuclear , Syria … On all these topics, the current US President has taken the opposite of Obama. To the point of pushing the democrat, who judged Trump "not qualified to be president" during the campaign, to go out sometimes of the reservation that he had promised on the political subjects. The exit of the Iran nuclear deal? A "serious mistake" reacts immediately Obama who had negotiated with Iran and other Western countries to achieve in 2015.

"The former US presidents did not want to focus on their successor, but it's difficult for Obama to remain totally silent considering the profile of Trump, "continues Nicole Bacharan.

An electoral return to predict?

Before landing in South Africa, Obama has also benefited from his visit to Spain and Portugal to give lectures, one of his many activities. It is also and above all the most lucrative (several hundreds of thousands of euros each time), which is closely watched in the United States where the idea of ​​making money for an ex-president is accepted at the condition not to enrich oneself for oneself alone. Hence Obama's commitment to youth, especially through his founding.

ALSO READ> What becomes of Barack Obama since he is no longer president?

An electoral return, which Regularly spoken on this side of the Atlantic about the "ex", does not seem to be the order of the day. Especially since the hyperactive Obama has recently embarked on a film and documentary production activity for Netflix. A new instrument of "his campaign to defend democracy around the world," concludes Nicole Bacharan.

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