Before Premiere of the "Grand Bégué" of Pape Diouf- Ribouldingue successful at the Radisson!


Gala evening rhymes with prestige and exception. This is understood by the illustrious President and CEO of SEMER GROUP Diène Marcel Diagne, sponsor leader of the Grand Bégué planned in the capital of the country Marianne. "You see the guests, they are proud to be present and some feel important the time of an evening " slips a member of staff SEMER INVESTMENT

In any case, "the child prodigy Djilass "(Marcel Diagne) managed to create excitement and astonishment by organizing this evening gala original and offbeat. The chosen place could not be more adapted. Also, Diène Marcel has bet on originality by offering a friendly and good-natured evening.

The evening will begin with an interlude. "Wadioubakh" and Company will offer a dramatic entertainment; a sketch on the unorthodox practices of counterfeiters specializing in visas; which often seize the opportunity of "lives" on Europe and the USA to roll in the flour of the candidates for the emigration.

Simultaneously, guests will enjoy a multi-course gala menu, created specifically to complement the musical performance of the evening. Everything suggests that the blue strings of the Radisson were inspired by Senegalese cuisine with notable historical influences, footprints of Africa, the Netherlands and France to give their dishes an authentic Mediterranean touch. The Ndiobenes, who have empirrated as no two, will not say the opposite.
After this delicious gastronomic experience, the singer Pape Diouf and his group will settle down in a jiffy. And, it is to interpret masterpieces of his rich repertoire. Previously, the Conscious Generation chorister Amath Samb and the busty Mbathio will provide the first part of the show rich and varied.

In a nutshell, the gala evening was faithful to its promises.

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