Beijing is '' a major and reliable partner '', says Macky Sall


Dakar, July 22 (APS) – The People's Republic of China is '' a major and reliable partner '', Senegalese President Macky Sall, who pledged on Saturday in Dakar, promised the partnership between the two countries will be "further strengthened".

'' We discussed topics common to the cooperation of our two countries. Bilaterally, our relationships are excellent and based on respect and trust. We will work to make them multilateral and beneficial, "said Macky Sall, hailing the People's Republic of China as" a major and reliable partner "from Senegal.

"China is a country rich in civilizations of many millennia, one of the largest economies in the world, with a quality of resilience in the face of hardship and ardor, rigor and discipline in the world. '', '' he said in a press statement at the end of his head-to-head with his Chinese counterpart who began Saturday a 48-hour state visit to Senegal.

'' The China's past is a model for saying that a country's development depends on a constructive state of mind, "said President Sall, who praised his counterpart's" dynamic leadership. "

[19659002] The Senegalese head of state said he was honored by Xi Jinping's friendship with Senegal by making his first visit to West Africa since he was re-elected last March.

[19659002] Macky Sall recalled that some 40 projects and programs in bears, completed or in prospect were reviewed during the interview with the Chinese president.

'' Our cooperation will focus on agriculture, energy, hydraulics, education, health, sport and information and communication technology (ICT) '' , he said.

Citing the Ila Touba highway, 113 km long and connecting Touba (center) to the city of Thiès (70 km east of Dakar) financed by China, Macky Sall stresses that this project is '' a a strong example of this multilateral partnership which will be further strengthened ".

He praised China's financing efforts in Senegal, which he said amounted to more than 1,200 billion FCFA. '' Of this amount, a total of more than 900 billion FCFA was invested between 2012 and 2018 or more than 80% of these investments '', he added.

"We will promote direct investment between our two countries by facilitating the cooperation of our two private sectors," he said, reaffirming Senegal's participation in the forthcoming Sino-Africa Forum to be held in Paris. Beijing.

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