Decidedly, the storm raised in the wake of the misdeeds committed by Alexandre Benalla does not fall. Nothing works. Neither the attempt to clarify the spokesman of the presidency sent to the front line Thursday. Nor the referral of the ambiguous "Monsieur sécurité" of the Elysee. The political consequences of "Benallagate" have not finished shaking the executive who is preparing to live one of the most dangerous weeks since the beginning of the five-year period.
The silence of the Elysée
Emmanuel Macron, on the front line in this scandal that involves his protege, will he speak? "But what to say? ", Replies a close to the head of state. "He does not have to do it," says Matignon. The president is there to set the course and the strategy, then dialogue with the French. But not to comment on this kind of story "At the Elysee, we therefore refuse to answer" all questions relating to judicial investigations. "
But under the seal of anonymity, languages are loosened in Macronie . "It's going to stint us in the summer," despairs a familiar. "And create indelible marks," adds a faithful, exasperated by the "amateurism" of those who have managed the fate of Benalla, at the highest summit of the state. "The apostles of the new world are overwhelmed, do not understand," storms the same. Involved: an excessive trust in their good star.
Violence from May 1 to the latest revelations, return to the Benalla case
No acceleration or feverishness, really? According to our information, a lunch would have been held Saturday at the Elysee Palace around the president, bringing together one of the main protagonists of the case, the Minister of the Interior Gérard Collomb. His colleague Justice Nicole Belloubet was also invited. But the Elysée refused this Saturday to confirm this meeting.
The government under pressure
In Matignon also, the secret hope of the staff of Édouard Philippe is that "the trick will fall", the French "champions" of the world "having the head elsewhere, at the holidays. The proof ? "It's the buzz on Twitter, the social network of the Parisian microcosm, but Facebook where are all the French, it does not take more than that," dares a collaborator.
The round back line is it tenable? In particular for a Minister of the Interior under the fire of the critics, of which Jean-Luc Mélenchon does not doubt the next resignation? "The real subject is Monday and Tuesday with Collomb's hearings in the legislature and the Senate," worried a minister. Casually, what he will say may weigh heavily on the responsibilities of each.
ALSO READ> Emmanuel Macron weakened by the Benalla affair
The other frustration within the government is the feeling of being kept away by the Elysée. "No information, nothing at all except the language elements of the spokesperson! Still, some elected Walkers, they growl against these ministers "who do not do the job, Griveaux and Castaner in mind: we do not hear them!"
The cauldron of the Assembly
Saturday at the Palais Bourbon was chaos. The Benalla case or not, the majority In March intends at any cost, urged by the executive, to continue the examination of the constitutional reform. But opposite the opposition, of the Insubstances of Mélenchon – which judges the business "of the level of Watergate"! – the elected Lepenists through LR and the PS, do not let go. As a result, a cascade of suspensions of sessions that de facto paralyze the hemicycle
Will the truth come out of the parliamentary commission of inquiry? Not sure, to hear his co-rapporteur Guillaume Larrivé (LR): "The major point of disagreement ( Editor's note: with his colleague LREM Yael Braun-Pivet ) concerns the perimeter of personalities that it is necessary to summon and hear under oath. To put it plainly, according to the Republicans, "the closer the personality is to Emmanuel Macron, the less the majority agrees to audition them."
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<p> The Marcheurs have in particular appealed to the chief of staff of Collomb place Beauvau and refused the convening, for the "perimeter Elysée", of the general secretary Alexis Kohler, the spokesperson Bruno Roger-Petit and the chief of cabinet de Macron, François-Xavier Lauch "As for Christophe Castaner, whom we would like to hear as the boss of LREM (<i> Editor's note: who employed Vincent Crase, the comrade of Benalla </i>), it's been three days that we do not see it any more in the hemicycle ", persifles a elected LR. </p>
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