Beninese parliament receives three deputies from opposition


Abidjan – On the request of the Beninese justice, the Parliament voted on Tuesday, the lifting of the immunity of three deputies of the opposition, accused of mismanagement, irregularity and abuse of office.

Among these three deputies The opposition included two relatives of former President Boni Yayi, namely, his former Minister of Justice, Valentin Djnontin, now Executive Secretary of Forces cauris for a rising child (FCBE), Idrissou Bako, also a member of the same party. As for Mohamed Atao, the third deputy concerned, he is also quoted in a case of fake medicines and customs fraud, and he too is a member of the opposition.

For Mr. Orden Alladatin, one of the deputies of the majority and member of the Law Commission, the goal is to make them available to justice so that justice can do its job. And I tell you, if these people do not blame themselves as they claim, say and maintain on the social networks, my personal wish is that justice can do its job and they are blanched. "(19659002) Before this vote, the three members in question were heard by a special committee, which found that the evidence was insufficient. What makes the opposition member, Nourni Atchade, a member of this special committee, say that this is a matter. "

" The comrades whose immunities have been raised are members of the Opposition, therefore, of the parliamentary minority, as it is the government that asked to have their immunity raised to please the government. Thus, the comrades of the majority followed, although not convinced that these comrades were at fault, he explained.

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