Beyoncé and Jay-Z provoke a scene of delirium in an Italian restaurant! •


They are still touring Europe, and enjoy their free time to live the Dolce Vita in Italy! Jay-Z and Beyoncé were treated to a welcome worthy of their rank of superstar, Monday, July 23.
A few days ago, they were in Paris to give 2 concerts at the Stade de France, before joining the French Riviera. Since last July 17, date of their show in Nice, Jay-Z and Beyonce take well-deserved holidays. They found themselves head-to-head, without their little ones – Blue Ivy, Sir and Rumi, and still in Italy!

Whereas last July 7, they were crossed near Lake Como, arriving at the wheel from a beautiful red Fiat Spider to the port, for romantic boat trip, we now know they were on Monday, July 23 in Capri, where they dined in a restaurant called Aurora.

And customers of the establishment have certainly noticed their presence. That's why they gave them a standing ovation when they left at the end of the evening! On the spot, the fans did not resist to applaud them and to whistle them as if they attended one of their shows. For proof of this crisis of collective hysteria, the owner has even hugged Jay-Z in his arms!

They leave for the United States

In the continuation of their program, the Carters are expected on July 25 to Cleveland, USA, new stage of their tour "On the Run II". And they intend to live the Dolce Vita until then!

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