birth of a "unified party" of power, but at a discount


The "unified party" wanted by Ivorian President Alassane Ouattara in view of the 2020 presidential election must be officially launched Monday in Abidjan, but this will be done without his main ally of the ruling coalition, which fears a market

The Constitutive General Assembly of the Houphouetists for Democracy and Peace (RHDP) will be held Monday afternoon in a large hotel in the Ivorian economic capital, a week after the appointment of a new government with personalities all favorable to this unified party.

Sea snake of the Ivorian policy since ten years, the unified party had initially the ambition to gather the formation of the president Ouattara, the Rally of the Republicans (RDR) , and the Democratic Party of Côte d'Ivoire (PDCI), led by the former president (1993-1999) Henri Konan Bédié, to regain unity

The PDCI is the historic party of Côte d'Ivoire. Founded by the father of Independence Félix Houphouët-Boigny, the first Ivorian president (1960-1993) and still today a tutelary figure, he was for a long time the only party of the country, until the advent of the multiparty system in 1990. The RDR was born in 1994 of dissent from the PDCI after the death of Houphouët

Established in 2005 as an electoral coalition of the RDR and the PDCI, the RHDP allowed the victory of Alassane Ouattara in the presidential elections of 2010 then 2015. Its transformation into a true unified party would have made it an almost unbeatable war machine for the local (municipal and regional) elections scheduled for this year, and especially for the presidential election in two years, in the face of a weakened and divided opposition.

Laurent Gbagbo, the historic leader of the third largest party, the Ivorian Popular Front (FPI), is in fact imprisoned and on trial at the International Criminal Court in The Hague, accused of crimes against humanity during the tragic crisis post-election period of 2010-11. His party is now divided into two rival tendencies.

– Guillaume Soro absent –

At least 20,000 people are expected Monday afternoon for the general assembly of RHDP, including 1,500 "statutory militants", that is, to say officials from different parties, according to an official of the organization. These 1,500 leaders will appoint a president for the new party, as well as an office. The RDR, which will have 500 statutory delegates, has asked Alassane Ouattara to run for president. In a second step, by the end of the year, a "constitutive congress" will endorse the creation of the RHDP.

The PDCI said no to the unified party in June. He demanded as a prerequisite for the union that a personality from his ranks be the sole candidate of the RHDP, supported by the RDR, in the next presidential election. What the RDR refused.

As a result, Mr. Konan Bédié urged his activists not to participate in the general assembly of the RHDP, in a statement Friday.

President Ouattara nonetheless succeeded in poaching elected officials and personalities from the PDCI. A dozen ministers of the new government are indeed inserted in the PDCI, having pledged allegiance to the unified party.

Among the small parties, the Union for Democracy and Peace in Côte d'Ivoire (UDPCI – six deputies) s is pronounced for the RHDP. Its president Albert Toikeusse Mabri inherited the fourth portfolio of the government, Higher Education and Research.

The situation is confusing for three other small parties, the Union for the Ivory Coast (PUIC, 3 deputies ), the Movement of Forces for the Future (MFA) and the Ivorian Workers Party (PIT). Their congresses spoke out against the union with the RHDP, but dissents then appeared, with internal coup attempts, which are the subject of legal proceedings. Maneuvers remotely controlled by the power, accuse the leaders of these parties, which refutes the RDR. Some of these "dissidents" have been appointed to the government.

Finally, Guillaume Soro, the RDR president of the National Assembly, will be absent at the RHDP General Assembly, due to travel to Canada. Reputed in cold with Alassane Ouattara, the former leader of the rebellion (2002-2011) and former prime minister, who is lined with presidential ambitions, has set back for several months, with the goal to give oneself a unifying posture. In a cryptic way, he said he was in favor of the RHDP, but without breaking with the PDCI.

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