Brazzaville and Brussels sign a memorandum of understanding


"The document was signed in Brussels, Belgium, during a working visit by the Congolese Minister for Foreign Affairs, Cooperation and Congolese Abroad Jean-Claude Gakosso from July 5 to 6 2018.

This memorandum was initialed, on the Belgian side, by Didier Reynders, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign and European Affairs, and on the Congolese side by Jean Claude Gakosso ", informs our source.

Speaking to this opportunity, the Deputy Prime Minister who said he was "happy to have signed this agreement on the strengthening of bilateral consultations", stressed that "this document will increase the political contacts that will address a number of other subjects, including the economic relations and investments that Belgian companies intend to make in Congo Brazzaville "

The Memorandum of Understanding provides for consultatio Regular policies between officials of the foreign ministries of the two countries to exchange views on bilateral relations, international issues and other issues of common interest. It provides all possible assistance for the development and enlargement of bilateral relations, friendship and cooperation Brazzaville and Brussels.

It will also allow diplomats of the two countries, in their future consultations, to address news from the African continent, Europe and the world, including the deepening of bilateral and multilateral cooperation, ocean governance and environmental protection

This agreement will allow the diplomats of Brazzaville and Brussels in the future to deal with questions of international cooperation in the field of strengthening peace and international security, as well as the fight against terrorism.

The signing of this memorandum follows the cooperation agreements in the field of tranports signed between Congo and Belgium on 12 June 2018 in Brussels.

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