Burkina wants to produce 5.8 million tons of cereals in 2018


In addition to this amount of grain, it is also expected "more than 1 500 000 tonnes of cash crops and 979 900 tonnes of other food crops," said Minister Ouedraogo, surrounded by his colleagues in Communication , Rémi Dandjinou and African Integration and Burkinabé from the outside, Paul Norbert Tiendrébéogo

According to the Minister of Agriculture, "to achieve these objectives, the government has agreed to the benefit of agricultural producers, 16,000 tons of fertilizer, 8,155 tons of improved seeds, 1,150,000 cuttings of cassava and potato, 27,400 units of agricultural equipment, 10,500 draft animals and 20,000 liters of pesticides. "

To speed up agricultural techniques and technologies, the government has also set up "5 200 extension tools including demonstration plots, farmer field schools" according to Jacob Ouedraogo. 659002] "To increase irrigated production, we are developing more than 5,200 ha of new lowlands and 4,300 ha of new irrigated areas for producers", said Jacob Ouedraogo.

He continued: "We support in addition, the producers of soil and water conservation works, in particular zai, half-moons and stone bunds. We accompany them for the realization of water catchment basins and the acquisition of dewatering equipment. "

Faced with possible pockets of drought, the government, through its Minister of Agriculture, invited the producers in the practice of supplemental irrigation from runoff water collection ponds and any water retention.

This year's crop year is particularly marked by the appearance of the armyworm larvae. autumn in parts of Burkina Faso

Minister Ouédraogo reassured that, in the face of this threat, plant health teams are being deployed in the regions.

GS / te / APA

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