Cedeao-Ceeac: adoption of the Lomé Declaration on peace and security


APA-Lome (Togo)

Special Envoy, Edouard Touré: The Joint Summit of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and the Economic Community of Central African States (Ceeac) held Monday in the capital Togolese, adopted the Lomé Declaration on peace and security in both regions.

"Heads of State emphasized the need for enhanced and effective cooperation between the two communities. Thus, have they adopted the Lomé Declaration on peace, security, stability and the fight against terrorism and violent extremism in the spaces Cedeao-Ceeac ", indicates the final communiqué read at the end of the joint summit Cedeao -Ceeac.

This one-day meeting, which followed the one held in June 2013 in Yaoundé (Cameroon), was mainly focused on peace, security, terrorism, among others. [19659004HeadsofStatealsopledgetocooperateforpeaceandstabilityinbothregionsTheywillputinplaceanearlythreatwarningmechanism"thestatementsaid

He informed that Heads of State had decided to meet annually on the sidelines of the AU Summit and to organize from now on every two years the Cedeao-Ceeac Joint Summit. The next is planned for 2020 in N'Djamena (Chad).


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