Chinese President meets Mauritian Prime Minister


By: | Keywords: Mauritius-China-Xi | Updated: 29-07-2018

China wants to always be a good friend and good partner of Mauritius and promote friendly bilateral cooperation relations to reach ever higher levels, said Saturday the President Chinese Xi Jinping in Port Louis.

M. Xi made the remarks during his meeting with Mauritian Prime Minister Pravind Jugnauth, during his friendly visit to Mauritius.

He made positive remarks on the achievements made by Mauritius since its independence 50 years ago and hailed the friendly policies of the successive Mauritian governments towards China

He also noted that the two countries and their peoples enjoy a deep friendship and cherish the close relations that bind them to each other.

Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries 46 years ago, the two sides have enjoyed deepening mutual political trust and fruitful results in terms of exchanges and cooperation in various sectors, Xi said.

China and Mauritius, both developing countries, share a similar development process, he said, noting that new opportunities Today, the Chinese president said that the two countries must maintain the dynamism of high-level exchanges, strengthen communication between central and local administrations, and to continue to understand each other and to support each other in key areas of interest and concern

The two sides must explore the potential for concrete cooperation, further facilitate bilateral trade and investment liberalization, conclude the as soon as possible a free trade agreement, in order to enhance Mauritius' unique geographical advantage in the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative, strengthen communication and cooperation in many areas, he continued, adding that the two countries must also deepen exchanges between peoples for a better understanding

On China-Africa relations, President Xi said that China and Africa are a shared future community in which both sides take up the challenges together, as well as a community of people. common interests leading to mutually beneficial co-operation

Whatever the evolution of the international landscape and regardless of China's progress in development, the country will always stand alongside the African continent and the rest of the world. developing country and will remain a sincere friend and reliable partner for Africa, said Xi.

He said that China and Africa have decided to jointly organize the Beijing Summit of the Forum Sino-African Cooperation Council (ASCF) in September, and looks forward to discussing China-Africa cooperation projects in the new era with African leaders, including Prime Minister Jugnauth. 19659007] The latter renewed his greetings to the Chinese President for his stopover in Mauritius, a historic friendly visit, declaring that the two countries enjoyed a long-standing friendship based on historical heritage and interpersonal ties. [19659007Headdedthatsincetheyhadestablisheddiplomaticrelationsthetwocountrieshaddevelopedastrongandvigorousrelationshiponthebasisofmutualtrustandrespect

Mauritius thanks China for its unwavering support and assistance , pays great attention to its development in the new era, admires its significant achievements, and praised Xi's proposal to build a community of shared future for humanity, said Jugnauth. [19659007] Mauritius will continue to support the one-China policy, welcomes the "Belt and Road" initiative and is willing to strengthen friendly and mutual cooperation China, "he said.

The Prime Minister has indicated that he is looking forward to taking part in the CAHF Beijing Summit to build an even closer China-Africa partnership. [19659007] Mauritius is the last leg of Xi Jinping's trip to five nations in the Middle East and Africa. He has previously traveled to the United Arab Emirates, Senegal, Rwanda and South Africa, where he participated in the 10th BRICS Summit in Johannesburg.

<! – enpproperty 57866372 2018-07-29 12: 26: 31: 131 The Chinese President meets the Mauritian Prime Minister Maurice-Chine-Xi 1002 7176468 News News null News Agency Xinhua China wants to always be a good friend and good partner of Mauritius and promote friendly bilateral cooperation relations so that they reach ever higher levels, said Chinese President Xi Jinping on Saturday in Port Louis. 1 / enpproperty ->

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