Collapse of a building in Yamoussoukro: "Deputy Séka Atsé heard as witness assisted" (Lawyer)


Posted on
04.07.2018 at 21:18

Cited in the case of the collapse of the building that killed a dozen people in Yamoussoukro, the deputy Camille Séka Atsé was heard on Wednesday by a rogatory commission of the Procuratorate of Bouaké, "as witness assisted ", Said his lawyer, Abdoulaye Ben Méïté in an interview with the press.The hearing took place in the office of Meité, located in Cocody 2 Plateaux-Vallon, east of the Ivorian economic capital. An examining magistrate, a police commissioner and a clerk compose this letter rogatory

"My client is not involved in this case of collapse of building in Yamoussoukro. He was rather heard as a witness assisted, "Meïté said.

The lawyer of the parliamentarian explained that following" the convocation of the investigating judge of the section of the court of Toumodi, Bouake prosecutor's office the prosecutor of Toumodi, kindly (…), in place of the movement of the deputy, ask the investigating judge for the effect of a commission rogatory so that the deputy can be heard at his home. "[19659003ItisascounselinhiscabinetwherethedeputyCamilleSékaAtsétookupresidencethat"indeedtheagentscommittedforthepurposeofthisrogatorycommissionhavethereforedeployedtomyofficewheretheycollectedthehearingofmyclient"addedMeAbdoulayeBenMéïté

According to him," the floor of Bouaké showed a great professionalism that can not be ignored, "he said without giving more details.

However for the man of law "this is a judicial matter and we should not see in any judicial matter a political affair" calling for "let justice do its work and the truth will triumph". [19659008] (function (d, s, id) {
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