Constitutive AG of the unified party RHDP: Adjoumani calls for the mobilization of the PDCI militants


million. Adjoumani, also minister of animal and fish resources, was speaking during a double installation ceremony of the former deputy Jean Louis Abonouan as vice-president in charge of the Gbêkê region (Bouaké, Center-Nord) of the movement "In the footsteps of Houphouët-Boigny" and mobilization and sensitization of the militants around the unified party RHDP.

"I therefore call on all our activists to ensure that this Monday all come to Ivory Hotel on the occasion of the great celebration of the unified party since it will be the Constituent Assembly, "said Kobenan Kouassi Adjoumani, in the presence of several activists of the septuagenarian party and their allies of the Rassemblement des républicains (RDR , presidential party).

According to Minister Adjoumani, "our leaders have always worked together, precisely since 2005 until now and since then there have been several stages and the final step is the establishment of the unified party. Our leaders agreed on this. It is now a question of making this ambition effective. "

" The political agreement was adopted by the different member parties, "he then said, regretting later that" unfortunately with regard to the ours (PDCI) the statutes have not yet been adopted because it seems the base does not agree. "

According to him," we can not stay in Abidjan and make believe our chiefs that the base does not agree with the unified party. We came, talked with our grassroots activists and saw their reaction. Even village chiefs agree that it is by staying together that one can make scholars ".

"This is what we came to explain to our parents and that is what also justifies the establishment of this movement which is not a political party and which adheres to the statutes of the PDCI and so the object is to gather all the children of Houphouët-Boigny around the unified party, "he concluded.

In an information note sent on Friday to APA the president of the Democratic Party of Côte d'Ivoire (PDCI), Henri Konan Bedie, affirmed that his party "is not concerned" by the General Assembly of the unified party of the Rally of Houphouetists for Democracy and Peace (RHDP, ruling coalition) scheduled for Monday in Abidjan

"I want to inform you that the PDCI-RDA is not concerned by this General Assembly," said Bédié, therefore, asking "all activists and activists PDCI-RDA not to associate itself with this event, nor to participate in it.

But, a source told APA Saturday, that the president of the Democratic Party of Côte d'Ivoire (PDCI), Henri Konan Bédié, finally decided to send a delegation of "observers" on Monday to this constituent assembly of the reunited party RHDP

This "delegation includes Charles Koffi Diby, President of the Economic, Social, Cultural and Environmental Council (head of the delegation), Patrick Achy, Secretary General of the Presidency of the Republic and Siandou Fofana , Minister of Tourism, "says the same source.

For several weeks, relations have been strained between the presidential party and its great ally, the PDCI-RDA, about the creation of the unified party RHDP. These two major political parties of the ruling coalition are divided between pro and anti-RHDP.

In a statement Wednesday, the president of the PDCI-RDA, Henri Konan Bédié, said he was "neither consulted nor informed" by the Ivorian President Alassane Ouattara for the formation of the new government made public on Tuesday and in which 13 personalities are from his party

It is in this deleterious atmosphere within the alliance in power, that the General Assembly constitutive of the unified party RHDP, (bone of contention between the two majorities of the presidential majority) was convened for Monday in Abidjan, the Ivorian economic capital.

CK / ls / APA

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