CPI: Gbagbo demands his acquittal • Rewmi.com


The defense of Laurent Gbagbo asks the International Criminal Court (ICC) to acquit him of all the crimes he is accused of.

In a request sent Monday to the International Criminal Court (ICC), the lawyers of the defense considered that Mr. Gbagbo should be acquitted of all charges against him following the violence of the post-electoral crisis that tore Côte d'Ivoire in 2010-2011.

"The elements presented by the prosecutor are insufficient to prove the charges against Laurent Gbagbo beyond a reasonable doubt, "they wrote to the court based in The Hague.

In this trial opened in January 2016, the former Ivorian president , 73, faces four counts of murder, rape, persecution and other inhumane acts.

The Attorney appealed to 82 witnesses, in addition to presenting thousands of documents and hundreds of hours of empty

Defense lawyer Emmanuel Altit has asked the Court to drop the charges against Laurent Gbagbo, asking for "a judgment of acquittal on all charges to be pronounced" and "the immediate liberty "of his client

The question will be decided at a hearing on October 1, during which the arguments of the defense and those of the prosecutor will be heard.

This is not the first time Laurent Gbagbo hopes to be released.

In July 2017, five judges of the Court of Appeal ordered a new review of the case to determine whether he should be detained or not, given his age and of his state of health

All previous applications for his release were dismissed.

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