Death of Senegal's ambassador to Cameroon


APA-Yaoundé (Cameroon) –

The body of Senegal's ambassador to Cameroon, Vincent Badji, was found inanimate in front of his television Sunday in his residence located in Bastos district in Yaoundé, the capital of the country, APA learned from concordant sources.

At the end of his mission and as he was preparing to rejoin his new post at the Vatican, the diplomat reportedly, according to the same sources, succumbed to a cardiac arrest.

Arrived in Cameroon in August 2015, Vincent Badji will have been, among others, the linchpin of the organization of the visit, at the end of November 2016, President Macky Sall in Cameroon.

In October before, this affable man, who does not did not hesitate to come and greet users at the reception of his diplomatic mission to avoid a long wait, had also begun interviews with the authorities of his host country to share experiences between Dakar and Yaoundé in the field of social housing

FCEB / cat / APA

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