Demi Moore: victim of a fraud, she is robbed thousands of dollars


Half Moore bad. The 55-year-old actress was the victim of a thug who managed to get her credit card and steal thousands of dollars.

It's been a bad summer for Demi Moore. The ex-wife of Ashton Kutcher has experienced some banking disappointments that have earned him a hello to the authorities. While she can probably afford to spend lavishly, the 55-year-old actress did well to take a look at her records. For several weeks, suspicious movements were repeated on his account. Several purchases were made in chain stores – Saks Fifth Avenue and Nordstrom – without her seeing the color. And for good reason, it was to a certain David Matthew Read that they took advantage.

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As TMZ reveals, Demi Moore was the victim of a fraud. The 35-year-old man made banking organizations believe that the actress had lost her credit card. David Matthew Read then managed to intercept the new card returned and then began to spend without counting.

In total, it is close to 170 000 dollars – about 145 000 euros – that he would have stolen from Demi Moore. The actress did not let herself go and filed a complaint. His denunciation ended up paying: the surveillance cameras of the stores in question allowed to discover the identity of the thug who has since finished behind the bars of a prison in Los Angeles. Who sows the wind harvests the storm …

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