The African rulers have embarked on a demographic transition by 2015 under the invitation of the great African authorities, suggested the president of Faso Roch Roch Christian Kaboré. However, this can not be the sole fact of the rulers. It is to this end that the Burkinabe Head of State welcomes the holding of the Regional Forum of Religious and Customary held in Ouagadougou. Religious leaders from 10 countries of French-speaking West Africa and Chad will exchange on 24, 25 and 26 July 2018 on the mechanisms of collaboration with the States for a change of behavior.
"The African population has become the most dynamic in the world and will represent 25% of the world's population by 2025, with about 12.1 million young people aged 15 to 34 on the job market each year." Never before has the black continent experienced such a growth rate with such a young population "said the president of Faso.
And Moogho Naba Baongo, emperor of the moss and godfather of the ceremony, in his address to his peers and public authorities present, message read by one of his ministers Larle Naba, to take again this moaga saying: " Neeb the naam", "there is power only of men ". " This is also valid for the religious leader whose aura can be summed up in the number of the faithful", he says.
If in the past the abundance of the birth rate has long been advocated, he recognizes that today, " the power does not lie in the mere fact of the number but rather in the quality of the population "
" Our cultures, traditions and religions do not in themselves constitute brakes. We must put them at the service of our populations because no real development can not be done to the detriment of the values we carry "he added.
To this end, this forum, also a forum for inter-religious dialogue, is the place for them to examine the contribution of religious and customary leaders and to develop mechanisms for collaboration with governments, civil society organizations to achieve the goal of the demographic dividend. "For two days, we will revisit our traditions and our holy books to come up with a plan of action by country in order to initiate the dividend," explains chairman of the board of directors of the Union of Religious and of Burkina Faso for the promotion of health and development
The conclusions of the work will lead to the elaboration of a sub-regional agenda, a country action plan which notes the commitment of the leaders on innovative strategies of birth spacing to reduce maternal and infant morbidity and mortality
Marlene Quenum, a celestial Christianist, a member of the Beninese delegation, says that she is committed even before the adoption of the plan of action. [19659003] " We are already committed, we traditional leaders, Protestants, Catholics, celestial Christians and Muslims to implement this plan so that in a few years, we can If our children go to school without fear of being out of school, mothers will give birth without risk of dying and seeing young people succeed. The quality of the human being is more important than the number "she says.
The President of Faso Roch Marc Christian Kaboré, who presided over the ceremony, expressed his gratitude for the initiative and welcomed the establishment in December 2017 in Conakry of the Alliance of Religious and Customary of West Africa for health and development of which Burkina holds the presidency for two years.
Done "Demographic Dividend Champion" in Africa, he undertakes to relay the conclusions of this work to his African peers.
Revelyn SOME
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