Diplomacy: The president of Burkina Faso galvanizes ambassadors and consuls (…)


LEFASO.NET | By Nicole Ouédraogo • Friday, July 6, 2018 at 22h30min

Meeting in Ouagadougou from July 4 to 6, 2018 for their 14th conference, the ambassadors and consuls general of Burkina Faso exchanged with the Head of State, this Friday July 6th. It was at the Kosyam Palace, where Roch Kaboré invited his representatives to have "a more refined vision of Burkina's foreign policy."

 Diplomacy: The President of Burkina Faso galvanizes ambassadors and consuls general of Burkina

This interview between the Head of State and Heads of Diplomatic and Consular Mission took place after the closure of this 14th meeting. First of its kind for Roch Kaboré since his accession to the supreme magistracy, the head of state has not failed, during this meeting, to remind his representatives outside the country, they are a essential link in Burkina's economic policy.

According to him, this policy is based on the need to boost and strengthen international cooperation, the permanent search for new partners in development projects and, finally, the need to maintain peaceful relations between Burkina and neighboring countries, as well as those of the subregion. "The ultimate goal is to revive our economy on the one hand and to be able to work on the international influence of Burkina Faso," said the president of Burkina Faso, stressing that in a world where we are witnessing an erosion of international solidarity, it is necessary to have "a more refined vision of the foreign policy of Burkina".

Then continue: "We must work to mobilize not only the countries with which we cooperate, but also the partners and funders so that they can accompany our ambitions on the economic and social level. And for that, the President of Faso urged the Heads of Diplomatic and Consular Mission to guide their actions according to principles, nationally and internationally.

"To consolidate Burkina's place in Africa and in the world, to strengthen bilateral and multilateral cooperation, to work for sub-regional and African economic integration, and finally to promote peace in the world", such should be, according to Roch Kaboré, the guides who must accompany the various actions of the diplomatic leaders.

Also, since they are responsible for promoting the image of Burkina, the president of Faso has invited his representatives to work to reassure investors internationally. "As representatives of Burkina outside, you must promote the image of a country that is sovereign, a people who is hard-working and who, despite the adversities, fights for its economic and social development", Roch Kaboré

In addition, returning to the various themes raised during the meeting, notably that relating to the functioning of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Roch Kaboré calls for a rationalization of the number of embassies. "When there is a scarcity, we must work to adapt to this scarcity," he says.

Determined Diplomats

"If we had to say it, we were not going to go in camera. There are confidential things that we share in the framework of our mission and it is not for me to reveal them, "said the dean of ambassadors and consuls general of Burkina, Alain Francis Gustave Ilboudo, at the end of the meet. However, he confides: "We were comforted by the Head of State and we leave truly inflated to block, with new directions, new energies, for the pursuit of our mission."

Nicole Ouedraogo


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