Discover Jare the most beautiful girl in the world according to internet


Internet is a really fascinating place where you can find everything: information (alternatives or not), what to laugh and distract you … But sometimes the net goes too far as in this case.

How to become "The most beautiful girl in the world"?

Jare Ijalana is 5 years old and loves to pose for photos according to her mother. It is a passion that she shares with her sisters, Jomiloju (7 years old) and Joba (10 years old) to such an extent that they have their own Instagram account common . [19659004] She passed the objective of the photographer Mofe Bamuyiwa who posted this particular picture, on his account Instagram.

Seized by the beauty of the photo, netizens crowned Jare ] "The most beautiful girl in the world" and this is what I would like to stop.

This little girl is absolutely too cute and I hope she will pierce as a model if that's what she wants to do but the whole process gives me small buttons.

If it is indeed important to celebrate the beauty of the little black girls, so badly or little represented in the media the legend of this Instagram post is to bang your head against the walls: [1 9659008] "I want to capture the transition from childhood to adulthood so that both are out of time.

"To make her pose as an adult is my thing for her to stay out of time.

From what?!

Would the age of five have become the junction point between childhood and adulthood? Or would this type of representation not participate in the hyper-sexualization of the little girl s?

I just ask eh …

Why become "the most beautiful girl in the world "

This photo is completely made for the purpose of creating this buzz and this little girl has no control over her own image (and the story does not tell if her mother had her

Not only because it is broadcast without Jare can understand the magnitude of the reactions that it will generate but also because everything is there artificial .

For this photo shoot the little girl is makeup, she wears a wig that seems borrowed from Diana Ross, the whole is photoshopé up to the reflections in his eyes that make them look blue.

And yes because in reality, everyday Jare is the little left girl with the bun:

Always extremely cute but not at all this example of smooth beauty presented previously.

A fantasized example that takes the Western beauty canons while maintaining a touch of "exoticism" with a skin much darker than originally and long curly hair.

In the comments, some netizens rebel against what they call child abuse and exploitation.

There is an extreme difference between a woman and a child. Calling a woman is exploiting and sexualizing a prepubescent female child. Call it what it is. A beautiful child.

There is a huge difference between a woman and a child. To say that it is a woman is to exploit and sexualize a pre-pubescent child. Tell the truth. It is a beautiful child .

Prioritize the physics of children, their impose standards of beauty and a competition that we, adults, undergo with great difficulty is as useless as deleterious

It made me feel uncomfortable at the time of Thylane Blondeau and it is still the case today

And although I am the first to celebrate the little girls of all origins who must grow while weaving between racism, colorism, misogyny to quote them, it is not a solution to put them forward.

Let's try instead to show them all the days in which their physics, their opinions, their passions and their knowledge form a great whole unique and fascinating .

What do you think of this story? I'm waiting for your opinion on the forum!

See also: Mocked for her skin color, this beautiful young woman takes her revenge and becomes a model

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